D7FH115432 - Thunderbird Registry Number 4387

40 - JJ - XM - 5K - 510018P
This is a 1957 Thunderbird. It is Willow Green (J). It originally had a Willow Green hard top (J). It originally had a green interior (XM). It was scheduled for production on October 5, 1956 (5K). It is unknown if it has a hard top at present. It has Fordomatic. This Thunderbird has been modified to have air conditioning and cruise control. In January, 2002 it sold for $25,920 at the Barrett-Jackson auction in Phoenix, Arizona. As of January, 2003 its status was unknown. UPDATE December 2012, Jim Moe reports it is Lot #1148 at Barrett-Jackson, Scottsdale, Arizona January 2013. Dennis Dole added a new picture 1/14/13, the old picture is available on request.
312 V-8 - 1/4V