40 - VV - XH - 14X - 2 - 3
This red Thunderbird was spotted at the CTCI show in Des Moines, Iowa on August 23, 2013. UPDATE August 2017, Glen Hockenjos reports it is now scheduled to be auctioned by 299 Cars For Sale in Auburn, Indiana. It is Flame Red with a red interior. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This car has a supercharged engine and may very well be one of the phase 1 or D-F model cars. Its vin number does not line up with other phase 1 cars and no authentication information is provided by the auction company. However, since this is not an 'F' model and it is not listed as a tribute or clone car, the chance of this car being real is fairly good. Only viewing this car's gate release sheet will solve the mystery.
312 V-8 - 1/4V