63B - M - 83 - 10A -
This is a 1963 Thunderbird Special Landau. This car was documented in February, 2002 by Kevin Thomas of Topeka, Kansas. This 1963 Special Landau is Number 295 out of a total production of 2,000. The Special Landau Numbers were often assigned out-of-sequence with regards to the Thunderbird VIN consecutive unit number. All 1963 Thunderbird Special Landaus have a color code of M for Corinthian White and a trim code of 83 for white leather. This Special Landau had a scheduled production date of January 10, 1963. Since it was one of the very first "Principality of Monaco" editions, it has a blank DSO code. It has a 3.00:1 rear axle ratio (1) and Cruise-O-Matic transmission (4).
390 V-8