76B - M - 56 - 24L- 23 - 2 - 4
This is a 1963 Thunderbird Sports Roadster. It is Corinthian White (M) with a black vinyl interior (56). It was scheduled for production on November 24, 1962 (24L) and ordered through the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania District Sales Office (23). It has a 3.10:1 rear axle ratio (2) and Cruise-O-Matic transmission (4). This Thunderbird was documented by William Wonder. He reports that this car was ordered by Richard Kehnel at Snyder Ford in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, when he was 16 years old, and was a birthday gift to him from his mother. In May of 1987 it was purchased by a friend of Richard Kehnel with 27,000 miles on the odometer, after having been in storage for 20 years. <p>
In June, 2003 this Thunderbird was seen at the Ford Centennial Celebration in Dearborn, Michigan in June, 2003. This submission was made by John Rotella.
Sharon Schmitt
390 V-8 - 3/2V