4Y83Z164335 - Thunderbird Registry Number 25794

63A - X - 54 - 24D - 72 - 1 - 4
This VIN may be on the wrong car or this Thunderbird may have had its top cut off. It has a 390 V-8 engine, SelectAire Conditioning, power windows, fender shields and a black convertible top. As of April, 2005 it was for sale on ebay and located in Woodbridge, Ontario, Canada.
Martin Brugmans reports that he purchased this Thunderbird in May of 1983 in Mississauga, Ontario for his son. Restoration was not finished so Martin sold the Thundebrird in 1986. Martin also reports that this Thunderbird was purchased new in San Jose, California by a member of the US Air Force there.
390 V-8