7Y82Z152856 - Thunderbird Registry Number 4351

65B - B - 2U - 17B - 44 - W1 - U
This is a 1967 Thunderbird 2-door Landau. It is Frost Turquoise (B) with a Parchment vinyl roof. It has a Parchment vinyl bucket seat interior (with black appointments) (2U). It was scheduled for production on February 17, 1967 (17B) and ordered through the Twin Cities, Minnesota District Sales Office (44). It has a 3.00:1 rear axle ratio (W1) and C6 automatic transmission (U). This Thunderbird was sold new by the Rozum Motor Company of Mitchell, South Dakota. This Thunderbird's first retail owner was Allen Schrooten of Fedora, South Dakota. He took delivery on March 2, 1967 and traded in a
1961 Thunderbird Hardtop. The present status of RN 4351 is unknown.
390 V-8
Unknown, verified from documents