7Y84Q123604 - Thunderbird Registry Number 28711

57B - V - 8U - 09L - 36 - Q1 - U
This is a 1967 Thunderbird 4-door Landau. It is Burnt Amber (V) with a Parchment Brougham SL cloth and vinyl interior that includes passenger recliner (8U). It was scheduled for production on November 9, 1966 (09L) and ordered through the Louisville, Kentucky District Sales Office (36). It has a 3.00:1 rear axle ratio (Q1) and C6 automatic transmission (U).
This Thunderbird was documented from its Build (ROT) Sheet which was found in Registry Number 27710. The sheet indicates that it was Rotation Number 499 and that it is equipped with the standard AM radio, power windows, and 8.15 x 15 white wall tires with red band. It also indicates that this Thunderbird has a Parchment vinyl roof.
The status of this Thunderbird is unknown.
428 V-8
Unknown, verified from documents