8J87N111582 - Thunderbird Registry Number 2434

57B - H - 2U - 21M - 44 - 3 - U
This is a 1968 Thunderbird 4-door Landau. It is Diamond Green (H) and it has a Parchment vinyl bucket seat interior (2U). It was scheduled for production on December 21, 1967 (21M) and was ordered through the Twin Cities, Minnesota District Sales Office (44). It has a 2.80:1 rear axle ratio (3) and C6 automatic transmission (U). This Thunderbird was sold new by the Rozum Motor Company of Mitchell, South Dakota. This Thunderbird was a "dealer transfer" from Rozum's to Frontier Motors in Rapid City, South Dakota on April 11, 1968. The present status of RN 2433 is unknown.
429 V-8
Unknown, verified from documents