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Count of Thunderbirds by year and body style as of the last update. Special trim options such as Sliding Sun Roof, Special Landau, etc. are not shown as separate body styles here as there is no way to identify these cars from their VIN or body style code; they are simply shown as the 'parent' style: Hardtop or Landau for example. Refine your search by choosing year(s) and/or body style. Show different amounts of rows using the "All" drop-down.
Displaying 1 - 16 of 16
Year Body Style How Many Here?
1977 Coupe 693
1978 Coupe 1,006
1979 Coupe 890
1980 Coupe 270
1981 Coupe 162
1982 Coupe 128
1983 Coupe 206
1984 Coupe 304
1985 Coupe 386
1986 Coupe 397
1987 Coupe 234
1988 Coupe 305
1989 Coupe 266
1990 Coupe 332
1991 Coupe 365
1992 Coupe 378